Sunday, September 16, 2012

Preserving Mankind with Kojie.san Men

Times change, and so are men. 

Guys used to court girls in their homes. Now they get mad if they don't get an answer in a day. And they're asking through texts, mind you. Everything is done fast and digital nowadays that some men have lost their manliness. 

Being "manly" is being respectful of everyone, not just the beautiful ladies you're trying to hit on. It means being willing and ready to help, and being a high character guy with high values. You may think you are a perfect example of manliness, but look out! Girls may be secretly annoyed because your huge ego can't acknowledge the truth that you have the qualities of a jerk. Here's a few examples: 

Not respecting your parents. Yes, I get that we all have our teenage rebellion years, but don't use it as an excuse to plot offending schemes that will humiliate or anger your parents.

Not doing household chores. If you're married and you let your wife do all the chores like a slave, chances are she secretly despises you. Get a maid if  you're too busy or lazy to help.

Being funny by being mean to others. It is a universal truth that women like men who have a good sense of humor, but that doesn't mean it will make you  cool to make jokes out of your fat cousin, freckled gay classmate or your oily faced neighbor.

Using girl products. Men should be conscious of their appearance, but where did you ever hear that it is totally okay to use girl's products? There's nothing more unmanly than sharing with your girlfriend's facial soap or night whitening cream. There are already great products from Kojie.san that's definitely for men! Try it and you'll surely help preserve every manly quality you have.

*Official entry to nuffnang for 2 Taken 2 tickets*
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