Thank you, Mr. Rolando Mendoza.
Thank you for making us realize how incompetent our police force is when handling hostage crises. I didn’t even know that axes and sledgehammers are still considered special weapons by SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics). As the crisis dragged on we at least expected them to be more calm and prepared, but we can only guess why they had to storm the bus and risk the hostages’ lives.
Thank you Hong Kong government for issuing a travel advisory to discourage your people in going to the Philippines. Given the situation we really left you with no other choice. Not that your people will have any plans on visiting us in the near future anyway.
Thank you Philippine media for bringing the news real time to us and the rest of the world. Never mind that it might undermine the ongoing operations. Hey, as long as you deliver the news straight and fast it’s all well and good right? Err, for your TV ratings anyway.
Thank you fellow Filipinos for always staying true to yourself. By this I mean being nosy as usual. What you have seen on TV seemed not enough, and you had to take it upon yourself and see it personally. It amazes me how they seemed to appear out of nowhere and cram the whole place seconds after the assault.
Thank you President Noynoy for not being there when your people needed you. You could have at least showed your face and tell us that our Government is still on top of the situation, but I guess you can’t really do that because clearly, they are not. So instead of putting up a lie to calm the public (and probably the rest of the world) you decided not to show up until after it is over. Your people didn’t really wish you to solve it, but they at least wanted to know you were with them.
Thank you Mr. Rolando Mendoza, for these lessons you have showed us. With what you have done we can again show the world how resilient Filipinos are, how we can overcome any adversity. Thank you for you had united our country in condemning baseless killings and massive carnage. Thank you for reminding us that death is in everybody’s doorsteps and that somewhere in this world, there will always be someone planning to do something evil just to get ahead on their lives.
Post Script: Thank you Venus Raj for her major major achievement winning 4th runner up in the Ms. Universe pageant.