Why do we call our community priests “Father”?
The priest is a representation of our spiritual Father, the one they speak of in the bible. God. Allah. Yahweh. Jehovah. You give high praise to your priest each time you call him Father. It is an assertion of his status in the community of believers, a term of intimacy and endearment.
Why don’t we call our own fathers “Father”?
The word “Papa”were primarily imitative of the first sound babies make – the p, b and ah sound. In some parts of middle east and south asia, fathers are called “baba”. It eventually evolved in most parts to “da-da”. “Pops” is a loose term commonly used by later generations. We call our fathers pa or dad or pops because it’s phonetically simpler when we were kids.
Ok, in case I’m missing something, we call our priest Father to give high praise and call our own in all sorts of names because it is much simple to pronounce? We ought to give more attention to how we call our dads fathers. They’re a source of motivation, support, encouragement and protection.
My dad father never forces me to do things I don’t want to do. He trusts my judgement and know I’m responsible enough for my own actions. He never scolds, he never shouts, much more hurt me in any way. He doesn’t talk too much, but he’s sensitive in ways that he always knows what I want. Most of all, he respects me. He doesn’t impose his will just because that’s what he thinks is best for me, he takes a step back and objectively validates my actions, and it helped me to instinctively trust others as well.
When my mother passed away I knew there was a void left in her absence. Through it all, my father never looked weakened or defeated. Yes, there would times when he’d come home drunk, moments when he can barely contain the longing feeling, but he will recuperate. The next morning he’d come back stronger, with greater resolve to take on what life gives him.
Losing someone makes me value the people around me more, and indeed I should. My dad father has always been there for me so I never truly valued how important he is in who I am today. So for all the missed chances, forgotten texts and calls, nights when you had to worry waiting for me while I’m partying or sleeping off somewhere, I’d like to make up for it.
Happy Father’s Day, and this dinner’s on me.
The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty as the son who neglects them. – Confucius