Watching a movie a second time has its merits. You know the pace it is going and you'll know what to expect. I have been planning to watch LotR: the Two Towers again for some time now but it was only recently that I got the time (it's three hours long!).
The movie kicks off when Aragorn searches for the two lesser known hobbits Merry and Pippin after they were kidnapped by Saruman's army. I'm not certain what was the intention of the orcs (or whatever those creatures are called) for not killing them except that the two hobbits have big roles to play in winning against Saruman's army. In short, the orcs didn't kill the hobbits so the hobbits can kill the orcs later.
Meanwhile Frodo and Sam crosses path with gollum, who will offer to help them in their quest. Sam distrusts him, but Frodo pities him and the lead cast always get the last say. Shifting from being gollum/smeagol, he guides the hobbits to the gates of mount doom. I have closely watched gollum ever since I found out he was not purely animated. Andy Serkis acted and played the character well, with the help of CGI of course.
Fight sequences dominated much of the film. Legolas seems a bit too showy at times, but I could still appreciate how he skates away to kill enemies or roll around and over a horse before riding it. Gimli is a bit short of being funny, and i'm not referencing to him as a dwarf. Aragorn shows some flashes of leadership and dominance. Gandalf is very wizard-like - Falls off an abyss and apparently not dead, scares off his own companions and comes in late for battle but not really too late to save the day.
Overall I still enjoyed the movie, probably because I'm doing something else while watching it. I doubt I would have more fun if I was fully absorbed in it. Still, it was a good way to spend your time if you have so much.
The movie kicks off when Aragorn searches for the two lesser known hobbits Merry and Pippin after they were kidnapped by Saruman's army. I'm not certain what was the intention of the orcs (or whatever those creatures are called) for not killing them except that the two hobbits have big roles to play in winning against Saruman's army. In short, the orcs didn't kill the hobbits so the hobbits can kill the orcs later.
Meanwhile Frodo and Sam crosses path with gollum, who will offer to help them in their quest. Sam distrusts him, but Frodo pities him and the lead cast always get the last say. Shifting from being gollum/smeagol, he guides the hobbits to the gates of mount doom. I have closely watched gollum ever since I found out he was not purely animated. Andy Serkis acted and played the character well, with the help of CGI of course.
Fight sequences dominated much of the film. Legolas seems a bit too showy at times, but I could still appreciate how he skates away to kill enemies or roll around and over a horse before riding it. Gimli is a bit short of being funny, and i'm not referencing to him as a dwarf. Aragorn shows some flashes of leadership and dominance. Gandalf is very wizard-like - Falls off an abyss and apparently not dead, scares off his own companions and comes in late for battle but not really too late to save the day.
Overall I still enjoyed the movie, probably because I'm doing something else while watching it. I doubt I would have more fun if I was fully absorbed in it. Still, it was a good way to spend your time if you have so much.
What are we holding onto, Sam?
That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.